Rezervirajte si svojo vstopnico za ZOI Milano Cortina 2026

The Assembly

The assembly of the Olympic Committee of Slovenia (OCS) – Association of Sports Federations is the highest body of the umbrella sports organisation. The members of the assembly represent national sectoral sports associations, municipal sports associations, representatives of the club of sponsors and athletes, the individual founder and other sports associations.

Members of the Assembly
National sports associations of Olympic sports: 38 members
National sectoral sports associations for recognised sports: 24 members
National sports associations of non-Olympic sports: 15 members
Representatives of sports associations and societies: 1 members
Representatives of sports associations predominantly working in the field of »sports for all«: 4 members
Cross-border sports associations:  1 member
Athletes who participated at the Olympic Games:  2 members
NOC Slovenia athletes' committee  2 members
The individual founder of the OCS: 1 member
Representatives of sports associations - regional NOC Slovenia offices 30 members

Glavni sponzor
Glavni medijski sponzor
Veliki sponzorji