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Laws and acts governing property rights and the use of Olympic symbols in Slovenia

The International Olympic Committee authorized the Olympic Committee of Slovenia to guard the Olympic symbols in Slovenia and to protect the rights which the International Olympic Committee provides to its sponsors and sponsors of the Olympic Games, and the ones that the Olympic Committee of Slovenia provides to the Olympic team of Slovenia.

The rules defining the rights relating to the use of Olympic symbols in the broadest sense are presented below, and it should be noted that the explanations are intended as orientation for where to find a complete interpretation of a particular topic.

The Olympic Charter

The Olympic Charter is a systematic arrangement of the basic principles, rules and regulations adopted by the International Olympic Committee. It defines the organization and functioning of the Olympic Movement and the requirements for the conduct of the Olympic Games.

The Nairobi Treaty

The Nairobi Treaty defines the protection of the Olympic symbol - the Olympic circles. It was adopted in Nairobi on 26 September 1981, and Slovenia ratified it on 25 February 1998.

In accordance with the Nairobi Treaty the Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Slovenia is obliged to refuse or cancel the registration of the trade mark and, by appropriate measures, prohibit the use of any sign containing or consisting of an Olympic symbol as a trade mark or other sign for commercial purposes (established by the Founding Charter of the International Olympic Committee).

Rule 40 - the use of the image and the name of athletes and other members of the Olympic team

It is one of the most important rules of Olympic sponsorship since it defines the period of exclusivity - the period of the Olympic Games, when the image and name of an athlete can be used exclusively by Olympic sponsors.

The right to use an athlete or a member of the Olympic team is, in accordance with Rule 40 allowed:

Olympic sponsors and holders of transfer rights
Each individual National Olympic Committee is responsible for granting permission to the sponsors of the National Olympic Committee or National Olympic Team to use the image of a participating athlete and other members of the Olympic team within the framework of authorized communications. The license is valid only for the territory of the National Olympic Committee, which issued the license.

TOP-partners of the International Olympic Committee
On the basis of the permission of the International Olympic Committee, TOP Partners may use the image of a participating or Olympic team in the framework of authorized communications in several areas simultaneously.

Rules of the International Olympic Committee on websites, blogging and social media

An Athlete and Coach, Official, Press Attaché or any other accredited Olympic Participant shall not act as reporter or perform any other communication tasks.

The International Olympic Committee sets the rules for social networking, blogging and the use of the Internet, summarized briefly below:

Who, when, where, how

• The guidelines apply to all accredited "co-operating" people (athletes, trainers, officials, staff of the National Olympic Committee and international associations and members of the media with accreditations at the Olympic Games) from January 30 to February 26, 2014.

• The use of social media and updating of own websites / blogs during the participation in the Olympic Games is permitted under the following conditions:
- activities must comply with the Olympic Charter and Olympic Values;
- posts must be recorded in first person or in the form of a log;
- the role of a journalist, reporter or any other media position must not be taken on;
- It is forbidden to disclose confidential or private information about other people or organizations.

Photos from the Olympic venues
- may be published exclusively for own use;
- they must not be used for commercial purposes;
- the applicable legislation must be respected;
- the rights of third parties must not be infringed;
- It is forbidden to post sequentially recorded photos that can act as a video;
- a special regime applies to the Olympic Games.

Video and audio
- recording is permitted solely for personal use and amateur devices;
- Posting of recordings is prohibited.

- without the permission of the International Olympic Committee or the National Olympic Committee, participants in the Olympic Games may not promote brands, products or services on their blogs, websites or in social media.
Use of Olympic symbols and other Olympic property
- the word "Olympic" and other related terminology can be used exclusively for editorial needs and reporting needs;
- the use of the Sochi 2014 or Mascot symbol is previously authorized in writing by the International Olympic Committee;
- the use of the national Olympic Committee symbol is permitted by the National Olympic Committee.
ATTENTION: The Olympic symbol and other property must not be used for commercial purposes.

Domain names / URLs / page / application names
- domain names and URLs containing the word "Olympic" or "Olympic" or other related terminology (including foreign language equivalent) are prohibited and, exceptionally, only allowed with the prior permission of the International Olympic Committee;
- the creation of independent websites with Olympic themes, applications or other functionality for reporting Olympic Games is not allowed.

Rules for the media on the use of Olympic symbols for editing

The International Olympic Committee is aware of the important role of media in reporting on the Olympic Games, however, it is important in this work to take into account the integrity and value of the Olympic symbols. Therefore, the International Olympic Committee has developed special rules for the media, which determine the use of Olympic symbols in the editing of printed and online media. The rules define the use of Olympic Games, the Olympic Games, Olympics Games, website design and social media, mobile applications and advertising.

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