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Terms and conditions for online store shopping

General Terms and Conditions

Terms and conditions

These General Terms and Conditions govern the contractual relationship between a customer making a purchase at www.olympic.si (hereafter: the Website) and the company of Olimpijski komite Slovenije, Šmartinska 140, SI-1000 Ljubljana (hereafter: the Seller), as well as the terms of use of the Website. The Website is an online store owned by the Seller.

We advise you to carefully read the Terms and Conditions before using the online store Website. By using the Website, you express your agreement with the said Terms and Conditions. Please do not use the online store if you disagree with the Terms and Conditions. The Seller reserves the right to change the content of the Terms and Conditions at any time. Since all changes are binding for the customers, we recommend you review the Terms and Conditions on a regular basis.
Registration on the Website is not mandatory to make a purchase.

Description of technical procedures necessary to conclude a contract and to detect errors before placing an order

The contract is concluded by the Customer clicking “ADD TO THE CART” on the Website next to the item they wish to purchase, followed by clicking "PROCEED TO CHECKOUT". In the following step, the Customer has the option to continue shopping (adding further items into the cart), change the quantity of the items in the cart or remove a certain item from it, as well as the option of checking for any errors in relation to items in the cart (e.g. wrong item, incorrect quantity). Once the correct quantity of the chosen items is in the cart, the Customer should click “PROCEED TO CHECKOUT”. The Customer then enters their details and selects the preferred payment and delivery method. Once again, the Customer has the chance to check the content of the cart (order summary) and return to the previous step in case of any errors. After confirming that the details provided are accurate and that the Customer accepts these Terms and Conditions, the Customer should click “PLACE YOUR ORDER”, thus confirming the order/purchase.

Concluding the contract and purchase safety

Placing an order on the Website and the Customer’s receipt of the Seller’s order confirmation e-mail does not mean that a sales contract was concluded between these two parties.  The sales contract is concluded once the Customer receives the Seller’s e-mail indicating the "Order processing" status. In exceptional and justifiable cases (e.g. in the event of obvious errors relating to the price, description of the goods etc.), the Customer[D1]  has the right to withdraw from the sales contract within three days after concluding it, and may do so by sending an e-mail to the Seller. In the event of withdrawing from the contract, the Seller shall refund the Customer for any payments already received, as well as for any costs that the Customer might have incurred by concluding and implementing the contract.

A sales contract can only be concluded by customers with a permanent place of residence in the Republic of Slovenia. The contract/order is saved by the Seller, and the Customer may, after sending a written request, view it any working day between 8 am and 4 pm at the Seller's registered office, anytime within five years [N2] after placing the order.  The customer data obtained on the Website are carefully protected. We assure you that the collected data will be used solely for the implementation of purchases and any improvements of the Website’s functioning. Prior to delivering the goods, the Seller is entitled to contact the Customer via telephone or e-mail in order to check whether the submitted contact details are accurate. If the Seller is unable to contact the Customer based on the submitted details, the Seller may deem the order null and void, with no obligations arising for the Seller, or any rights for the Customer, from such an order.

For information regarding your order and its delivery, please call us at +386 31 738 143 or e-mail us at trgovina@olympic.si.
The provider will pack and ship the product(s) within the agreed time frame. Once the purchase contract is concluded, it will be stored at the company's registered office where it will be available for viewing any working day between 8 am and 4 pm.

Payment options at the online store

Advance payment
When choosing the advance payment option, you will be e-mailed, in the shortest time possible, a form with all the necessary information to make a payment through an online bank, which is the safest, the fastest and thus the most popular method of payment.  After completing the payment, you can send a payment confirmation e-mail to trgovina@olympic.si, which will facilitate the processing of your order.

Payment on delivery
When choosing payment on delivery, your parcel will either be delivered by the Pošta Slovenije postal service or you can pick it up at one of its branches. Payment is made upon accepting the parcel. The order is paid to the delivery person in cash upon the delivery of the goods ordered. The entire purchase price and delivery costs are stated in the order and apply unless agreed otherwise at a later date.

For such shipments, Pošta Slovenije applies its own commission on cash-on-delivery, which amounts to EUR 1.50.

There are no such commission costs when choosing the advance payment option.


The ordered goods will arrive by post to the address provided in the order form, probably within three (3) days after concluding the contract (subject to availability of the goods). The delivery will be made by Pošta Slovenije in the morning or afternoon, to your home or work address stated in the order form. Deliveries are limited to the territory of Slovenia (please inquire for any other arrangements). In no case is the Seller responsible for an exceeded time of delivery, as the latter is not dependant on the former. If the goods are not in stock, you will be notified of this immediately, along with the information on what items are available. Alternatively, you will be notified of the delivery time for the items ordered.

Delivery of larger and heavier products

The Website does not enable the option of delivering larger and heavier products by Pošta Slovenije. In such cases, only acceptances in person or additional delivery arrangements are possible.

Delivery costs

The delivery costs are stated upon completing the order on the Website and amount to EUR 4.50, inclusive of value added tax (VAT). For orders exceeding the value of EUR 100, delivery is FREE OF CHARGE. The purchase amount was displayed on the Website upon ordering the goods, as well as in the e-mail you received after placing the order. All costs of shipping in the amount of a single total purchase over EUR 100 are borne by the Seller, with the exception of heavier items that weigh over 15 kg and larger packages, where the postage is charged in line with the applicable Pošta Slovenije price list (domestic and international postal service rates; prices may also be subject to the origin of the goods).

For cash-on-delivery shipment services, Pošta Slovenije applies EUR 1.50 in addition to the cash-on-delivery amount. In the event of choosing the advance payment option, no such costs apply. No other (hidden) costs have to be paid upon accepting the parcel.

Delivery time

The Seller will pack and ship the product(s) within the agreed time frame. Shipments usually arrive one (1) day after being sent, although the official delivery time observed by Pošta Slovenije is 3 working days. If you are not at home when the postman comes by, the parcel will be waiting for you at the post office for 15 days, after which it will be returned to the Seller. The Seller will deem the shipment’s return to mean that the Customer is withdrawing from the contract relating to the goods in the parcel, and will be entitled to charge (i.e. deduct from the purchase price refund) the Customer for the costs of sending the goods to the Seller.


The ordered goods are usually packed in a cardboard box; for large orders, we may make several parcels, which is why the Customer may not receive all of the ordered items at the same time. By carefully packing individual items or sets, we make sure they won’t get damaged during transport.


The store manager is a taxable person. [N1] All prices stated on the Website are inclusive of VAT at the currently applicable rate. The prices are valid on the day of purchase and remain in effect until revoked.   The Seller reserves the right to change the prices. In such cases, the Customer is notified either in writing or orally, and is given the option to withdraw from the contract.

The offer and the prices are valid until the stock is sold off or until the Customer cancels the order in writing. The goods are subject to no warranties, unless stated otherwise on the Website and the packaging. The pictures on the Website are symbolic and do not always fully reflect the actual state of the goods or characteristics thereof.

Right to withdraw from the purchase, return and replacement of goods

If, for whatever reason, you are unhappy with the goods purchased, please let us know within 15 days after receiving the goods, that you would like to withdraw from the contract at trgovina@olympic.si, or send us a completed form available at (click), whereby you are not obliged to provide your reasons for withdrawal. The only cost borne by the Customer in relation to withdrawing from the contract is the cost of returning the goods. These must be returned to the Seller no later than within 14 days after sending the contract (purchase) withdrawal notification. The goods will be deemed returned on time if sent to the Seller before the 14-day period expires. The goods returned must be undamaged and in the same quantity, unless they have been destroyed, broken, lost or decreased in quantity through no fault of the Customer. The Customer is responsible for the decrease in the value of the goods if such a decrease is the result of actions that are not necessary in order to ascertain the nature, properties and the working order of the goods.

The Customer is not entitled to withdraw from the contract when purchasing goods made to the Customer’s exact specifications and customized to their personal needs.

The parcel may be returned in person or by post to the following address:
Olimpijski komite Slovenije, Šmartinska 140, SI-1000 Ljubljana.

When returning items to which discounts or promotional codes were applied, such means are considered as a discount and will not be refunded upon returning the items (only the amount actually paid will be refunded).
Payments will be refunded no later than within 14 days after the goods are returned or after receiving a definite proof that the goods were sent to the Seller. Payment refunds are made to the Customer's current account.

Liability for material defects, complaints

The Seller is liable for material defects on the items purchased. The following instances constitute a material defect:
  • The item lacks the properties necessary for its normal use or trade.
  • The item lacks the properties enabling the specific use for which the Customer is purchasing this item and which was known or should have been known to the Seller.
  • The item lacks the properties and distinctive features which were expressly or tacitly agreed upon or prescribed.
  • The Seller has delivered an item which does not match the sample/model, unless the sample/model was only shown for the purpose of information.The Customer may exercise their rights in relation to material defects if they inform the Seller about the defect within two months from the day the defect was discovered. The Seller is not liable for material defects discovered two years after the item was delivered to the Customer.

In their notification of the defect, the Customer must describe the defect in detail and enable the Seller to inspect the item. The Customer may provide the Seller with the defect notification in person or via e-mail at trgovina@olympic.si, whereby the Seller must send the Customer a confirmation of receipt. Alternatively, the Customer can send the defect notification to the store manager's address provided on the invoice.

The Customer who properly informed the Seller on the defect may request that the Seller:
  • eliminate the item’s defect,
  • refund part of the amount paid in proportion to the defect,
  • replace the defected item with a new, flawless one, or
  • refund the amount paid.In any case, the Customer has the right to request that the Seller reimburse the damages, especially the costs of material, spare parts, labour, and transfer and transport of items incurred on account of meeting the obligations from the previous paragraph.

If the item’s defect is indisputable, the Seller will, no later than within eight days, comply with the Customer’s request for the defect to be eliminated, partial or full refund of the amount paid, or replacement of the purchased item.
If the item’s defect is disputable, the Seller will respond to the Customer's request in writing no later than within eight days after receiving it.
The Customer’s rights with regard to material defects become null and void after two years from the day on which they notified the Seller on the material defect.

With regard to claiming warranties, we operate in line with the Consumer Protection Act. 
If requested, the goods can be replaced. 
All users use the entire content of the Website on their own responsibility.

Legal notice

Personal data protection

Olimpijski komite Slovenije undertakes not to sell, lend or in any other way forward the information provided by you via the Website or otherwise to any third parties.
All information will be treated confidentially and used only for internal records and for the purpose for which it was provided.  Your information will be carefully protected against loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration or destruction.
Upon visiting the Website, certain data (IP address, date, time, address of the website from which you came) are stored on a server.  These data are anonymous and used only for statistical processing.
The Website uses “cookies”. These are small files that are stored on your computer’s hard drive upon visiting the site.  Cookies can facilitate subsequent visits to the site. You can decide whether to accept or reject cookies by activating the appropriate setting on your browser. If you decline cookies, certain websites may not be displayed properly, or you might not be able to access all of the website information/functionalities.

Exclusion of liability

The Website is set up and maintained with the greatest possible care. Nevertheless, the Seller cannot guarantee the up-to-dateness, accuracy and correctness of all the information on the Website, or its functioning and accessibility. All information on the Website can be changed without prior notice.
Moreover, the Seller does not accept liability for any damage arising, directly or indirectly, from the use, improper functioning and/or inaccessibility of the Website.
In the event of referencing or linking the Website with other websites owned or managed by third parties, the Seller does not assume responsibility for the content or correctness of the functioning of these websites.


© Copyright 2004–2015, Olimpijski komite Slovenije. All texts, images, graphics, animations and other documents on the Website are subject to copyright protection or other forms of intellectual property protection within the framework allowed by law.

It is prohibited to copy, distribute, store in electronic form (except temporarily, for the purposes of viewing and using the Website), alter or in any other way reproduce the Website content, except in the event of obtaining a written consent from the Seller who actively enforces their rights to intellectual property to the maximum degree allowed by the law.

Have an all-round enjoyable shopping experience! 

Olimpijski komite Slovenije – Združenje športnih zvez
Šmartinska 140
SI-1000 Ljubljana

Telephone: +386 1 230 60 00
Mobile telephone: +386 31 738 143
E-mail: trgovina@olympic.si

Current account: 03100-1012238071
IBAN: SI56 031001012238071
VAT No.: SI66169607
Taxable person: YES 
Registration No.: 5902380000


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